Tri-Nation cybersecurity summit marks milestone in global collaboration under GCTF
The United States, India, and Taiwan forge collaborative ties in the realm of cybersecurity as they convene for a groundbreaking workshop on December 11-12, fostering operational expertise and sharing best practices under the auspices of the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF).
In a historic moment, US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti, Taiwan’s Representative Baushuan Ger, former National Cyber Security Coordinator of India Lt Gen Rajesh Pant, and the United Service Institution of India jointly hosted the event. This marks the inaugural in-person GCTF program in India, emphasizing the commitment to international collaboration in addressing digital security challenges.
Taiwan’s Representative to India Ger highlighted GCTF’s importance as a platform to utilize Taiwan’s strengths and expertise to address issues of global concern. India’s former National Cyber Security Coordinator Lt Gen Rajesh Pant said for India, with over 800 million internet users and 1.2 billion smartphones, cybersecurity is a major part of national security.
Since its inception in 2015, the GCTF has conducted 70 international workshops, engaging experts from over 120 countries on various critical topics. Administered jointly by the United States, Taiwan, the Australian Office in Taipei, and the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, GCTF serves as a conduit for Taiwan to share its prowess globally. The collaboration envisions continued partnerships with India, Taiwan, and like-minded nations to confront shared challenges.
Despite Taiwan’s wealth of expertise in fields ranging from public health to cybersecurity, international restrictions impede its active participation in global institutions. The GCTF emerges as a crucial platform, enabling practitioners worldwide to tap into Taiwan’s knowledge reservoir and fostering connections among experts tackling 21st-century challenges that transcend borders